The first episode of the multi-million downloaded Forever Lost trilogy, cleverly titled Episode 1, is coming to the Nintendo Switch!

You can pre-order it right now on the eShop for the low-low price of £3.99 and it’ll release on the 7th of April, only a few weeks away!

For this release we’ve updated the UI buttons to match our more recent releases as well as push it all off the side to take advantage of the extra screen space the Nintendo Switch has over the original devices we developed for.

We’ve also added in full controller support for that sweet 4k TV you want to show off with a decade old game. Perfect.

On the 7th of April you’ll then be able to pre-order Episode 2, with Episode 3 and Cabin Escape: Alice’s Story coming out not long after that.

Over the next few months we’ll also be releasing the rest of our back catalogue on the Switch, and then all future games will release on the Switch the same day as all the other platforms we develop for.

Please note, this isn’t the fancy pants Remake that Altered Gene are working on, this is the OG version that we released back in 2012. For the new fancy pants version please check out the Steam page. It’s going to be great!