Starting Room
Hint 1
Collect the camera and photo album from the first room.
Hint 2
Collect the house memory plate from the first room.
Hint 3
Collect the hospital memory plate from the first room.
Hint 4
Collect the school and castle memory plates from the first room.
Hint 5
Use trial and error to press the lights in the correct order to open the hatch.
Reveal Solution

Hint 6
Collect the glowing key from the hatch.
Hint 7
Use the glowing key to unlock the door.
Hint 1
Place a memory plate in each of the 4 consoles and enter the door on the left.
Hint 1
Adjust the temperature to the ones marked on the thermometer strip and take photos of the corresponding shapes.
Hint 2
Enter these shapes into the lock on the cabinet drawer.
Reveal Solution

Hint 3
Take a photo of the date of birth on the pill bottle.
Hint 4
Enter the date of birth into the computer as the password.
Reveal Solution

Hint 5
Use the name of the computer magazine to press the correct directions on the arcade joystick.
Reveal Solution

Hint 6
Pick up the door key.
Hint 7
Pick up the glass jar from the cabinet.
Hint 8
Unlock the main door using the key from the arcade joystick and walk through it.
Hint 1
Take a photo of the register on the floor.
Hint 2
Take a photo of the left-hand board of flash cards.
Hint 3
Take a photo of the right-hand board of flash cards.
Hint 4
Use the info from the register and flashcards to work out the correct numbers for the box on the far wall.
Reveal Solution

Hint 5
Pick up the projector slide from the drawer.
Hint 6
Place the projector slide down onto the projector.
Hint 7
Spin the globe and take photos of the flight map.
Hint 8
Press the flag buttons on the box by the register in the order of the flight map.
Reveal Solution

Hint 9
Pick up the projector pole from the box.
Hint 10
Pull the projector screen down with the projector pole.
Hint 11
Take a photo projector screen with stars on it.
Hint 12
Enter the correct number of stars from the projector screen into each ring on the circular box on the floor.
Reveal Solution

Hint 13
Pick up the door key.
Hint 14
Use the glass jar from the house to collect some lava from the model volcano.
Hint 15
Unlock the main door using the key from the circular box and walk through it.
Hint 1
Pick up the metal plate from the info board on the left.
Hint 2
Place the metal plate on the lightbox by the locked flag box on the table and press the button.
Hint 3
Press the buttons on the artefact in the order dictated by the light box.
Reveal Solution

Hint 4
Pick up the shape from the artefact.
Hint 5
Place the mouldable shape onto the vice and adjust the machine until you get a pentagon shape and then pick it up.
Hint 6
Place the pentagon shape into the slot near the locked door and watch it open in fully animated glory.
Hint 7
Collect the key from the left-hand steps.
Hint 8
Collect the golden shapes from the left-hand steps.
Hint 9
Take a photo of the shapes on the flags.
Hint 10
Use the key from the steps to unlock the flag box on the table.
Hint 11
Place the golden shapes from the steps into the flag box.
Hint 12
Collect the mouldable shape from the door and remould it into a star that matches the stars on the flags.
Reveal Solution

Hint 13
Place the custom star shape on the flag box and arrange all of the shapes to match the 4 flags combined.
Reveal Solution

Hint 14
Pick up the door key.
Hint 15
Place the glowing glass jar down onto the steps on the right hand side.
Hint 16
Pick up the button from the now glowing stairs.
Hint 17
Take a photo of the writing on the wall by the glowing jar.
Hint 18
Unlock the main door using the key from the flag box and walk through it.
Hint 1
Pick up the metal plate from the floor.
Hint 2
Place the metal plate on the round panel on the far wall.
Hint 3
Take a photo of the note on the right hand chairs.
Hint 4
Rotate the metal plate to each of the rotations listed on the note, taking photos of the highlighted dots.
Hint 5
Slide the ward signs to these dots to spell out some names.
Hint 6
Press the name buttons on the left hand panel in the order dictated by the note and ward signs.
Reveal Solution

Hint 7
Pick up the staff ID badge.
Hint 8
Insert the staff ID badge into the EKG machine and take a photo of the readout.
Hint 9
Raise and lower the beads on the floor box to match the EKG readout.
Reveal Solution

Hint 10
Pick up the door key.
Hint 11
Place the button from the castle into the safe keypad on the floor.
Hint 12
Enter the code from the castle steps into the keypad to open the safe.
Reveal Solution

Hint 13
Pick up the glowing key.
Hint 14
Unlock the main door using the key from the bead box and walk through it.
Hint 1
Use the glowing key from the hospital safe to unlock the glass door down the steps.
Hint 2
Pick up the memory plates from the floor.
Hint 1
Take a photo of the green sign on the far wall.
Hint 2
Look at the photo of the green sign and work out what you need to enter into the till. Note that the till screen is upside down…
Reveal Solution

Hint 3
Pick up the £5 note from the till drawer.
Hint 4
Use the note on the change machine to change it into some change. Isn’t the English language fun?
Hint 5
Pick up the coins from the change machine.
Hint 6
Insert a coin into the right-hand arcade machine to start a game of Mixis.
Hint 7
Look at the screen flashing pattern on the left-hand arcade machines and duplicate it in Mixis.
Reveal Solution

Hint 8
Collect the door key from the arcade machine hatch.
Hint 9
Unlock the main door using the key from the arcade machine and walk through it.
Hint 1
Take a photo of the film poster on the left.
Hint 2
Take a photo of the food sign on the far wall.
Hint 3
Look at the film poster and food menu to work out what letters are missing from the food menu and enter those letters into the keypad in the floor.
Reveal Solution

Hint 4
Collect the tv remote from the floor hatch.
Hint 5
Use the tv remote to turn on the TVs.
Hint 6
Notice that the keypad for screen two is broken so take a photo of the TVs when TV 2 has ‘1’ on it and use the other TVs to set the other keypads.
Reveal Solution

Hint 7
Collect the door key from the keypad hatch.
Hint 8
Insert a coin from the arcade into the gumball machine.
Hint 9
Collect the bubblegum from the gumball machine.
Hint 10
Place the bubblegum on the hole in the popcorn bucket on the floor.
Hint 11
Collect the fixed popcorn bucket.
Hint 12
Unlock the main door using the key from the screen keypad hatch and walk through it.
Hint 1
Take a photo of the departure screens.
Hint 2
Turn the lights on of the lockers that match today’s departures.
Reveal Solution

Hint 3
Collect the locker key from the bag on the floor.
Hint 4
Unlock the safe inside the locker using the locker key.
Hint 5
Pick up the bird ornament from the locker.
Hint 6
Take a photo of the note inside the locker.
Hint 7
Press the button near the screens and then hop on the travelator and take a well-timed photo of the TVs. Use this photo to unlock the briefcase near the scales.
Reveal Solution

Hint 8
Use trial and error to place the required items inside the briefcase to match the weight on the locker note.
Reveal Solution

Hint 9
Collect the door key from the scales hatch.
Hint 10
Place the popcorn bucket from the cinema under the tap to fill it with water.
Hint 11
Unlock the main door using the key from the scales hatch and walk through it.
Hint 1
Take a photo of ‘ancient’ maths on the scroll.
Hint 2
Solve the maths riddle on the scroll and use that to open the chest padlock.
Reveal Solution

Hint 3
Pick up the silver token from the chest.
Hint 4
Insert the silver token into the souvenir dispenser then do the same for each successive token, making a note of the colour order.
Hint 5
Rotate the dragons so the colour pairings match the token order.
Reveal Solution

Hint 6
Pick up the gong mallet from the hatch.
Hint 7
Take a photo of the fortune cookie on the table.
Hint 8
Take a photo of framed photo the wall.
Hint 9
Draw on the photo like a dot-to-dot for the word ‘EXPOSURE’ to work out where to hit the gong 5 times.
Reveal Solution

Hint 10
Pick up the door key from the gong hatch.
Hint 11
Pour the water from the popcorn bucket into the hole in the pillar.
Hint 12
Pick up the glowing key.
Hint 13
Unlock the main door using the key from the gong and walk through it.
Hint 1
Use the glowing key from the temple to unlock the glass door down the steps.
Hint 2
Pick up the memory plates from the floor.
Hint 1
Use trial-and-error to press the correct sequence of buttons on the box on the left-hand desk.
Reveal Solution

Hint 2
Pick up disk from the box.
Hint 3
Insert the disk into the computer.
Hint 4
Take a photo of the bar chart on the computer.
Hint 5
Take a photo of the pie chart on the computer.
Hint 6
Use the photo of the bar chart to adjust the overtime controls to the correct values.
Reveal Solution

Hint 7
Pick up 50p coin from the overtime controls.
Hint 8
Use the photo of the pie chart to adjust the clocks to the correct times.
Reveal Solution

Hint 9
Pick up 50p coin from the clock.
Hint 10
Insert the first 50p coin into the vending machine.
Hint 11
Insert the second 50p coin into the vending machine.
Hint 12
Pick up the paper from the right-hand desk and place it in the printer.
Hint 13
Change the ink type for the printer to UV via the right-hand computer.
Hint 14
Print a document from the computer.
Hint 15
Collect the printout from the printer and place it under the UV lamp on the desk.
Hint 16
Take a photo of the UV clue on the paper.
Hint 17
Use the UV clue to press the vending machine buttons in the right order.
Reveal Solution

Hint 18
Pick up the key from the vending machine.
Hint 19
Pick up the bolt cutters from the floor.
Hint 20
Unlock the main door using the key from the vending machine and walk through it.
Hint 1
Take a photo of note in the suggestion box.
Hint 2
Arrange the letters on the specials board to add the word TUNA.
Reveal Solution

Hint 3
Pick up the salt pot from the specials board.
Hint 4
Pick up the pepper pot from the far table and shake some onto the front table.
Hint 5
Brush away the pepper from the table.
Hint 6
Brush away the salt from the table.
Hint 7
Take a photo of the salt and pepper table then use that to unlock the box on the floor near the far table.
Reveal Solution

Hint 8
Pick up the oil bottle from the box.
Hint 9
Place the salt and pepper grinders plus the oil bottle on the condiment holder on the far table.
Hint 10
Pick up the door key from the tray.
Hint 11
Use the bolt cutters from the office to free the magnet near the wall.
Hint 12
Unlock the main door using the key from the tray and walk through it.
Hint 1
Take a photo of piano magazine on the floor.
Hint 2
Take a photo of map on the table.
Hint 3
Take a photo of mirror on the wall.
Hint 4
Use the knowledge from the map, magazine, and mirror to play the required keys on the piano.
Reveal Solution

Hint 5
Collect the poker chip from the piano hatch.
Hint 6
Place the poker chip on the box on the bar.
Hint 7
Take a photo of dartboard on the wall.
Hint 8
Draw on the dartboard photo like a dot-to-dot and then use the directions to press the required jukebox buttons.
Reveal Solution

Hint 9
Collect the poker chip from the jukebox.
Hint 10
Place the poker chip on the box on the bar.
Hint 11
Pick up the door key from the box.
Hint 12
Use the magnet from the restaurant to free the key from the box on the right-hand wall.
Hint 13
Unlock the main door using the key from the box and walk through it.
Hint 1
Press the buttons for the neon sign and watch what words they spell out then arrange the signs in the wall box to match the order.
Reveal Solution

Hint 2
Collect the key from the hatch.
Hint 3
Unlock the shutters using the key from the sign cabinet.
Hint 4
Collect the pipes from near the shutters.
Hint 5
Place the pipe pieces on the wall and then drop the ball down them until all the lights go green.
Reveal Solution

Hint 6
Collect the pyramid and rectangle stone shapes from near the pipes.
Hint 7
Collect the cube and rhomboid stone shapes from near the pipes.
Hint 8
Place each of the stone shapes on the scales at a time and photograph which rungs they reach, then adjust the shutters to match.
Reveal Solution

Hint 9
Pick up the door key from the hatch.
Hint 10
Open the panel under the sign cabinet using the key from the bar.
Hint 11
Collect the glowing key from the panel.
Hint 12
Unlock the main door using the key from the shutter hatch and walk through it.
Hint 1
Use the glowing key from the alley to unlock the glass door down the steps.
Hint 2
Pick up the memory plates from the floor.
Hint 1
Collect the gavel from the table.
Hint 2
Smash the wall using the gavel.
Hint 3
Take a photo of note behind the wall.
Hint 4
Collect the metal youth sign from the left-hand wall.
Hint 5
Place the youth sign in the scanner.
Hint 6
Take a photo of the scanner display.
Hint 7
Look at the note on the briefcase and then work out the briefcase combination from the scanner clue and the note behind the wall.
Reveal Solution

Hint 8
Pick up the door key from the briefcase.
Hint 9
Pick up the crowbar from the hole in the wall.
Hint 10
Pick up the roll of duct tape from the floor.
Hint 11
Unlock the main door using the key from the briefcase and walk through it.
Hint 1
Take a photo of the fire escape plan near the lift.
Hint 2
Move the slider on the puzzle on the luggage cart along the fire evacuation route.
Reveal Solution

Hint 3
Take a photo of the note inside the luggage cart box.
Hint 4
Watch the light on the smoke detector then copy the pattern with the up and down lift-call buttons.
Reveal Solution

Hint 5
Pick up the lift key from the hatch.
Hint 6
Insert the key into the lock by the lift to unlock the floor display.
Hint 7
Watch the floor display and work out the floor numbers associated with the note from the luggage cart box and unlock the safe.
Reveal Solution

Hint 8
Pick up the door key from the safe.
Hint 9
Use the crowbar from the court to open the crate.
Hint 10
Pick up the microphone from the crate.
Hint 11
Unlock the main door using the key from the safe and walk through it.
Hint 1
Take a photo of the mugshots on the wall above the table.
Hint 2
Look at the underside of each of the mugs in the order of the mugshot photos and work out the combination for the cell door.
Reveal Solution

Hint 3
Take a photo of the doughnuts on the table.
Hint 4
Use the photo of the doughnuts to unlock the chest in the cell.
Reveal Solution

Hint 5
Pick up the hancuff key from the chest.
Hint 6
Unlock the screwdriver from the handcuffs by the window and pick it up.
Hint 7
Also collect the handcuffs.
Hint 8
Use the screwdriver to remove the glass panel from the right-hand wall-box.
Hint 9
Place the handcuffs on the brass hooks in the right-hand wall-box to pull both levers at once.
Hint 10
Pull the brass hook in the far box to release the key.
Hint 11
Pick up the door key from the hatch.
Hint 12
Place the microphone from the hotel onto the table by the doughnuts and tape the button down using the tape from the court.
Hint 13
Open the cookie jar lid.
Hint 14
Unlock the main door using the key from the wall box and walk through it.
Hint 1
Take a photo of the graffiti on the wall.
Hint 2
Pick up the knitwear from the rail.
Hint 3
Soak up the drain water on the left with the knitwear.
Hint 4
Take a photo of the arrows at the bottom of the right-hand drain.
Hint 5
Use the arrows and the graffiti to work out which buttons on the advert board need to be selected.
Reveal Solution

Hint 6
Pick up the door key from the hatch.
Hint 7
Press the button by the voice controls when the passphrase is being played through the speakers to open the hatch.
Hint 8
Pick up the glowing key.
Hint 9
Unlock the main door using the key from the advert board hatch and walk through it.
Hint 1
Use the glowing key from the underpass to unlock the glass door down the steps and walk through the glowing door.