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We are a micro-studio creating adventure games. That is what we do, so if you don’t like adventure games please stop reading now.
Psst, now they’ve stopped reading we can talk about them behind their backs. Like, did you know they don’t like adventure games? Crazy I know! I mean, they’re awesome and we make pretty good ones so they’re completely missing out.
Shhh, I think I hear them coming back … er … how about that sports team ay? I think they’re going all the way this year. OK, false alarm, it was just the wind. So yea adventure games rule!
On average, 1 in 3 Glitch employees have a BAFTA award.
Graham is in charge of all code related things at Glitch, his main tasks are writing code, fixing code, changing code, thinking about code, and occasionally – but actually quite often – breaking code.
Graham is often handed Pokéballs for no apparent reason.
Simon is head of arting at Glitch, if something needs to be arted up, in either 2D or 3D, he’s the guy we speak to. He dabbles with 4D art as well, however that’s quite hard because apparently it isn’t a thing.
Simon has occasionally been known to hold a croquet mallet.
Accidents, bugs, glitches, and whoopsie daisies are all embraced at Glitch Games. We turn the best into features and get rid of the rest. Glitch-E is in charge of the Glitch Feature Department.
In a past office Glitch-E was painted onto a wall. Those offices are now flats but we’re not sure what happened to Glitch-E.