Today is a good day. Today we are happy to announce the launch of something great; the launch of Glitch Games! And we’re sure you’re just as happy to hear it as it’s pretty awesome news.
Glitch Games is the joint venture of myself and Simon, we are located just outside Oxford in England and are initially focusing our efforts in the childrens education area.
If you’d like to get a preview of what we have cooking up then please check out our first book, My Colourful Life, which will be released for the iPad on the 1st of March.
Between now and the release of My Colourful Life we will be tweeting, posting, shouting and everything else about it with some more screenshots, videos and information so please subscribe to our feed as well as following us on Twitter, Facebook and Google+.
Glitch Games | 10 Years Later
Jan 27, 2022 -
[…] decided on Glitch Games and officially registered the company on the 27th January 2012 ( and announced ourselves to the world a few days later, I guess we were a little shy to tell people ), and for […]